Your Lung Cancer Donations Make A Bigger Impact At MSK
The impact your lung cancer dollars make here is felt around the world.
Your Lung Cancer Donation Accelerates Care Around the World
At MSK, daring discoveries can turn into life-saving care. And that care saves lives all over the world. Our efforts to outsmart lung cancer originate in our labs and clinics. They start and continue with you, the donor.
While Great Progress Has Been Made, Patients Need More and Better Options Now
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in men and women. In 2018 more than 234,000 new cases of lung cancer, including in people who have never smoked, will be diagnosed in the United States.
Immunotherapy works for many patients but not all. MSK aims to change that. In a recent study, MSK discovered that non-small-cell lung cancer patients whose tumors had many mutations were 42% less likely to see their cancer progress after a combination immunotherapy treatment than people who had chemotherapy. And that insight could lead to more effective treatments for all.
MSK researchers are rapidly expanding their understanding of lung cancer biology and the opportunities have never been greater. But funding is vital to progress.
Make a gift today to advance life-saving research and treatment in lung and other cancers.